Saturday, August 3, 2013

High Heels as Children Fad .....

So true we always want to imitate in fashion that is the current in thing . And no matter what we say, yes we do end up buying exactly the things that we see our idols supporting be it an actress or a successful business woman.
However things do get serious when we see kids so taken with the newest fashion trends that it does give you a pause.

I know young girls are always fond of wearing high heels. I remember myself as kid when i used to sneak up to my mother's wardrobe, get out her heels, and walk (or rather try walking :P ) in them. When ever caught of course i was given an excellent punishment and somehow it all added to the charm of heels.
Now when i see kids brands coming up with high heels, it makes me wonder where is that innocence gone? But the thing is when kids see their idols as Suri Cruise supporting high heels, they naturally want to follow in her footsteps literally.
         Seeing the rise in their sale, and judging by their popularity more and more kids brands are featuring high heels in their collections. I wonder though would they let their young ones wear the same?                                                                          

 According to Dr. Oliver Zong  "A common side effect of adults wearing heels too often is the tightening or shortening of the Achilles tendon," Given the softer bones still in the process of development in children, only adds to my concerns.
The added aspect of children lifestyle being more rough, I for one am just not in favor of letting young girls wear high heels. I just can't begin to picture the playing grounds filled with girls running around in high heels. I find the childhood fading fast enough as it is than to rush the younger ones into adulthood sooner.
I think it is responsibility of parents of idols as Suri Cruise to see what they support.

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